
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

The Briefing: Taiye Selasi tells us how to ask about our Origin

The Briefing: Taiye Selasi tells us how to ask about our Origin

When someone ask me where I am from, I often respond that I was born in New York, raised in Atlanta but my family is Jamaica. But why should I have to indicate what place? Am I not an result, an amalgamation of all three places? Why I must I be identified or meet the criteria of belonging to one place? Can I be myself without those places? Writer, Taiye Selasi delves into this topic and more in her TED Talk! You can watch it below. 

Movements: Activities worthy of Summer

Movements: Activities worthy of Summer

The Soundtrack: In "Needed Me" Rihanna proves why you shouldn't cross her!

The Soundtrack: In "Needed Me" Rihanna proves why you shouldn't cross her!