
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

The Soundtrack: In "Needed Me" Rihanna proves why you shouldn't cross her!

The Soundtrack: In "Needed Me" Rihanna proves why you shouldn't cross her!

As a proud Rihanna fan, I am always excited by her visuals. Everything from photos on Instagram, album artwork and most of all her videos! "Needed Me" one of my favorite songs on the her latest album, now has an amazing video to accompany it. Rihanna portrays an assassin or a woman scorned who must handle her business! Who cares we get to see Rihanna kick ass as usual. 

The Briefing: Taiye Selasi tells us how to ask about our Origin

The Briefing: Taiye Selasi tells us how to ask about our Origin

The Briefing: Eve and Gwen Stefani team up to "Blow our Minds" once again!

The Briefing: Eve and Gwen Stefani team up to "Blow our Minds" once again!