
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

The Reel: Why not become creatively Undone!

The Reel: Why not become creatively Undone!

Sometimes as people we are so obsessed with making ourselves seem perfect enough where everyone believes that we are also perfect. But Why? Why are making ourselves conform to different ideals that are nothing but constraints. This pursuit for "ideal perfection" is oppressive and limits us. But beyond our own imposed constraints, society also has its own set of constraints that we must deal with. One of the ways to remove ourselves of those constraints is through self-creation. Undone is a movement and documentary series dedicating to the importance of progress through self-creation. Check out Undone on instagram, @be_undone

The Reel: Marsai Martin brings to life an American Girl Story

The Reel: Marsai Martin brings to life an American Girl Story

The Briefing:  Khadija Shari is Black and Proud as she dances...

The Briefing: Khadija Shari is Black and Proud as she dances...