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Movements: The VICTOR Group

Movements: The VICTOR Group

Victoria Reese is the brand architect behind the Victor Group.  A  down-to-earth Detroit girl to the core, Victoria carries the Howard University (Washington, DC) heir like no other and has picked up that New York hustle and bustle along her journey.

Victoria is no stranger to entrepreneurship, as her previous endeavors include Millennial Effect, a boutique marketing agency based in NYC in which she co-founded in 2010. In addition to working for herself, she has been employed at top agencies such as Universal McCann, William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, LLC, Walton Isaacson and MediaVest, garnering experience from industry giants.Few have the attention to detail, the eye for opportunity and the business savvy that Victoria has had the opportunity to hone in on over the years. There’s never been a moment in her existence where the arts and entertainment have not been in the forefront of her life. Victoria has taken her talents to Los Angeles, CA. The Victor Group, her brand and creative consulting agency was written. Victor Group is her.

What is the Victor Group? Victor Group is a multi-service branding agency that makes people and their brands fascinating.

Why is the Victor Group needed?I am reassured that there is a need for Victor Group every time someone seeks me out for my services. The fact that brands are comfortable coming to me in a vulnerable state and trust me with the future of their business. I see the same fire in their eyes that I see in my own. They just need a little guidance to put it all together. Knowing your brand is knowing your identity. Its just like in life: If you don't know who you are, you don't know where you are going. If you don't know who you are, no relationships will work. no job will work, no business will work. You've got to be whole before you present yourself. With business, you've got to apply that same perspective. Knowing your brand is also about being aware of how you are perceived to the those you want to reach.

What led you to create the Victor Group? I always wanted to make a difference. And as popular as I've always considered myself, I never really felt like I fit in. There’s never been a moment in my existence where arts and entertainment have not been in the forefront of my life.  I wanted to be creative and set trends. I realized that all the things that I found joy in doing didn't really fit into a box. There are damn near zero jobs that make me say "wow" and I feel would constantly inspire me. So in a nut shell, Victor Group has always been in my heart. I feel like its birth was destined because Victor Group is me - I had to create the perfect job for myself. It wasn't until I understand what an entrepreneur truly was that I aspired to be one.

What are the challenges and upsides to being an entrepreneurI mean, it goes without saying that as minority you compare yourself to "others." There is definitely not many investors on Crenshaw (where I live in Los Angeles) knocking on your door to inquire about your business plan. It has taken lots of sacrifice and dedication. Entrepreneurship is like a real life relationship: You love it but it won't always be nice to you. It will keep you up a night and won't make it up to you the next day. It will be unpredictable and you won't be able to predict what it will do next. But just like a relationship, you love it as hard as you can and you stay motivated because you believe that you get out what you put in. It's not for everyone.

What experiences have led you to this moment in your life? Every step is ordered. I believe that every career I've made since graduating from Howard University in 2009 has been apart of this greater plan. Ironically, they have each contribute to the skills I use daily with Victor Group. Those positions were just pit stops along my way to end up here. I'm excited to see where this journey will take me.

Who are your clients?

Victoria Reese

Victoria Reese

Stir it Up: Ackee and Saltfish

Stir it Up: Ackee and Saltfish