
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

Tailor Made: Jidenna offers a last minute stocking stuffer!

Tailor Made: Jidenna offers a last minute stocking stuffer!

As we all prepare to celebrate the holidays this weekend, Jidenna decided to gift us all with three new songs as we patiently await the release of his debut album next year. Members of the Wondaland community may have previewed these songs during the Wondaland Experience Tour earlier this year. The new tracks are entitled, "Long Live the Chief," "Knickers," and "Extraordinaire" are available on iTunes,  Spotify, and Google Play Music

Stir it Up: Ballston gets some Japanese flavor with help from Chefs Kim and Isabella

Stir it Up: Ballston gets some Japanese flavor with help from Chefs Kim and Isabella

The Briefing: With Sass 3 Ladies tackle International Affairs

The Briefing: With Sass 3 Ladies tackle International Affairs