
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

Stir it Up: When living in the big city, sometimes you need a bit of southern hospitality

Stir it Up: When living in the big city, sometimes you need a bit of southern hospitality

Since living in Atlanta, I must admit southern food, well soul food is very special. I often feel a sense of nostalgia because its unique nature, consistency, smell and taste... But when you move to cities such as Washington, DC or New York, you begin to crave the goodness of Southern Soul food. Some of the restaurants do right by soul food while others barely even hit it on the head. So what's a girl to do? 

Well...Food Culturalist, Nicole Taylor, has a solution to this quagmire. "The Up South Cookbook" has a collection of edgy Southern classics recipes . So when you need to feel delighted by the awesomeness of southern food, pick up Nicole's cookbook and experience southern cooking with a Brooklyn edge. 

Make sure you pick up your copy of "The Up South Cookbook" on Amazon or in your local bookstore. You can also keep track of Nicole on Twitter and Instagram.

The Soundtrack: A Birthday, A Mixtape and Diddy

The Soundtrack: A Birthday, A Mixtape and Diddy

The Reel: Spike Lee's Chi-Raq

The Reel: Spike Lee's Chi-Raq