
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

A new subscription service to suit your literary needs

Noir Reads is a new subscription book service that connects readers with literature written by members of the African Diaspora. Each month, Noir Reads will deliver two or three fiction and nonfiction books to your doorsteps. The subscription service is $35 for one month or $100 for three months. 

According to Noir Reads website,  "we aim to help people discover voices of African descent actively exploring the Black experience through fiction and nonfiction. It can be hard to find diverse Black literature and a community to engage around it – we hope Noir Reads can make it easier.”

Start your subscription by checking out their website. http://www.noir-reads.com/ 

"When Ida B. Wells Married, It Was a Page One Story"

The Barack Obama Foundation