
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

Maxine Waters: A Politician's Voice We Can Now Recognize

Politicians, nowadays come in all shapes, forms and fashions. This week, we saw the culmination of presidency of Barack Obama. For many including myself, President Obama marked the first politician we could not only identify with but served as an impetus for us to be involved in the political system. Though we entered this love affair with President Obama, we were left stranded by many other African American politicians. On occasion, they would speak up about the political issues  most impacting our demographics but most of the time they were extremely silent. 

This week, Representative Maxine Waters went viral due to her rendition of shade at a press conference. Rep. Waters often known for her outspoken voice, had a few things to get off her chest when it came to the recent actions of FBI Director James Comey. 

Vogue: What It’s Like to Be Black and British in Trump’s America