
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

The Journey: Home

The Journey: Home

Today, when I walked outside on my balcony I had a realization. Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is my new home! Not one for emotions, this feeling was not only overwhelming but it was heartwarming. I couldn't believe it.  

On June 7th, I began the journey that I will embark on for the next two years. I moved to Vietnam. I really haven't had a moment to digest or process my feelings. I have been caught up in living and experiencing all that has happened. But sometimes, a good Saturday evening will give you an opportunity to do some introspection.

Well here are my thoughts....

After traveling 14 hours to Tokyo and another 6 to HCMC, even though I had a rest stop in Tokyo this still was a very long journey.  Sidebar: Tokyo has one of the best transportation systems in the world. Absolutely amazingly fast, clean, efficient and I can go on and on. If you are in Tokyo and want to treat yourself to an awesome hotel stay - check out the Palace Hotel. When you think of luxury and money well spent, you should think of the Palace Hotel. 

Now back to my journey. After traveling what felt like eternity, I finally arrived in HCMC. I anxiously waited for my bags in baggage claim and of course my bags were one of the last bags to come out. After claiming my bags, I exited the airport to only be welcomed by the intensity of the heat. But that wasn't the only welcome I received, I received an official welcome and warm greeting from my social sponsor and colleague. After a short ride, I made it to my apartment. 

For the past two weeks, I have been in both job and vietnamese training. I have truly enjoyed every bit of my two weeks here. I have eaten my full share of yummy goodness. I have explored a bit, drank and even partied a bit. I really haven't a chance to do anything touristy yet because I have been living my life here. 

Now to the good stuff....the people of Vietnam are generous and welcoming! I haven't experienced any hostility. Though, the stares and second guessing when i'm speaking vietnamese has been a bit something to get used to. In which, I respond with a wave and a smile .... repeat my sentence in Vietnamese a couple more times. The humidity and heat have not been my best friends but I'm thinking that will soon change after I get used to it. 

Finally....everyone needs to bring themselves to Vietnam. It will be a great opportunity to experience and see some of the world! 

The Journey: One Bite at a Time

The Journey: Experiences in Ho Chi Minh City...