
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

The Briefing: Helping to transform the lives of Jamaica's Children is the Rockhouse Foundation

The Briefing: Helping to transform the lives of Jamaica's Children is the Rockhouse Foundation

Founded in 2004, Rockhouse Foundation is dedicated to transforming the lives of Jamaica's children and supporting those who teach them. Fully underwritten by the Rockhouse Hotel, Jamaica's premier boutique hotel, Rockhouse Foundation is able to directly use the funds they raise on each project. Since its inception, Rockhouse Foundation has transformed, fully renovated and reinvigorated five schools and the Negril Public Library. This year, they will begin working on the development of a comprehensive early childhood inclusion model school for students across the full spectrum of special needs and regular education students. To learn more about the Rockhouse Foundation, check out their website www.rockhousefoundation.org

Choosing to Be Black Is the Epitome of White Privilege

Choosing to Be Black Is the Epitome of White Privilege

The Briefing: Are you ready for POWER?

The Briefing: Are you ready for POWER?