
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

The Journey: My first steps...

The Journey: My first steps...

This weekend, I moved to Washington, DC to begin training as a foreign service officer! Honestly, I was terribly nervous, anxious and excited! But as Monday morning approached, my confidence and for lack of a better word, my swag came back in full fashion! On Monday, I began training and received my badge! YAAASSS!!!! My first day jitters were shaken off due to seeing a old faces and members of my Rangel Fellowship Co-hort! 

Biggest Lesson of the Day: Even when you're nervous or scared, always have a positive mindset! 

MOVEMENTS: Kyemah McEntyre creates a red carpet stunner

MOVEMENTS: Kyemah McEntyre creates a red carpet stunner

Situations: Special Moments from the Made in America Festival

Situations: Special Moments from the Made in America Festival