
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

The 5 Interview: Loren Cobbs

The 5 Interview: Loren Cobbs

Loren Cobbs is originally from Cincinnati, Ohio. She is the youngest of five but thinks she's the oldest. Loren received her bachelor's of science in economics from Purdue university and her master's of public administration from Columbia university SIPA. Loren will be joining the U.S. State Department Foreign Service this fall as a public diplomacy officer. 

Describe yourself in three words: Bold, Goofy, Inquisitive

What's your favorite food: Thai Cuisine 

What's your favorite food associated memory:  My grandmother used to make this amazing bannana baked bread and gave my siblings and I kiwis. I definitely have an affinity for the fruit now and freshly baked banana bread just melts my mouth.

What mark do you want to make on society: I want to make the world a safer, more foregiving place for marginalized communitites including black people and women everywhere. 

Selfies or nah: No

Paris on Loren's terms
Stir it Up: Croque Monsieur w/ Salmon

Stir it Up: Croque Monsieur w/ Salmon

Tailor Made: African Clothing Designers

Tailor Made: African Clothing Designers