
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

The Briefing: Michael B. Jordan and Zoe Saldana on Affirming African American Actors and Actresses

The Briefing: Michael B. Jordan and Zoe Saldana on Affirming African American Actors and Actresses

After Michael B. Jordan penned an editorial piece for Entertainment Weekly on being the first African American to portray the Human Torch in Marvel's latest Fantastic Four, Zoe Saldana took to Facebook to share her own thoughts...

Bravo!!! Inspired by Michael's essay. Thank you for speaking up. If we question why Michael has been cast to play the...

Posted by Zoe Saldana on Saturday, May 23, 2015
The Briefing: Does Monitoring Your Credit Impact Your Score?

The Briefing: Does Monitoring Your Credit Impact Your Score?

The Briefing: KAWS brings "Along the Way" to the Brooklyn Museum

The Briefing: KAWS brings "Along the Way" to the Brooklyn Museum