
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

The 5 Interview: Saniyyah Sahar

The 5 Interview: Saniyyah Sahar

Saniyyah Sahar resides in Brooklyn, NY and is currently a NY State licensed cosmetologist providing healthy natural hair care for her clients at Khamit Kinks Salon in Downtown Brooklyn. Saniyyah is a Los Angeles, CA native and claims Atlanta as her second home after having resided there for 15 years. Saniyyah is an avid reader, music lover and natural educator. She is headed back to school after 20 years, to finish her undergraduate degree in communications at Empire State College in the Fall of 2015. A firm believer that it's never too late to redirect the course of your life, Saniyyah is excited her next chapter as she embarks on a career as a inspirational speaker, film producer and storyteller.

Describe myself in three words: LOYAL, DETERMINED, POSITIVE

What's my favorite food: I'm still discovering new cuisine and different cultural foods but any type of curry dish is my favorite right now. Thai, Indian, or Jamaican; there's something so distinct and flavorful about curry and I love it!

What's your favorite food associated memory: My favorite food associated memory is when my Grandmother taught me how to bake a lemon meringue pie from scratch in her kitchen in Pennsylvania. Watching her strong but graceful hands whip the egg whites and sugar into a fluffy meringue, convinced me that my grandmother was magical and could do absolutely anything.

What mark do you want to make on society: More than anything, I want to tell my story and share others stories of triumph, victory and courage with those that will be encouraged and inspired by them. I want to leave a legacy of selflessness, giving hope to the hopeless and helping brown and black women around the world understand their innate power to heal themselves and their communities. 

Selfies or Nah? I love taking selfies because there was a time when I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. Now, when I'm feeling especially fly, beautiful and confident, I love capturing that moment. Whether it be in the car, on the train or in the restroom, I love great a selfie...even if it takes 20 shots to get the perfect one!

The Soundtrack: Beyonce and Nicki Feel themselves in their new video

The Soundtrack: Beyonce and Nicki Feel themselves in their new video

Movements: Branden Jacobs-Jenkins' Racial Intentions

Movements: Branden Jacobs-Jenkins' Racial Intentions