
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

Nomadic Chic: Spain now has it's First Black Woman MP

Nomadic Chic: Spain now has it's First Black Woman MP

Everywhere we look in the world, we can always find people of color! But sometimes it's much harder to find people of color involved in they key societal and governance structures. Rita Bosaho, a native of Equatorial Guinea came to Spain to pursue a career in nursing. But this year, Rita will no longer be just a nurse she will be Spain 1st Black Woman member of Parliament. An advocate for gender equality and eliminating violence against women, Bosaho hopes her election opens the doors for other women of color to actively participate in politics! 

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

The Briefing: Meet Candace Hill! America's Fastest Girl

The Briefing: Meet Candace Hill! America's Fastest Girl