
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in life through my thoughts on travel, style, food and even occasionally work.

Nomadic Chic: The 5 Interview with LaTasha Simms

Nomadic Chic: The 5 Interview with LaTasha Simms

One of 165 U.S. Citizens selected this year to teach english abroad, LaTasha Simms is embarking upon the experience of a lifetime as a English Language Fellow in Chengdu, China. LaTasha will work directly with local students, teachers and educational professionals on ways to enhance the quality of english language instruction offered at academic institutions. No stranger to working abroad, Latasha who graduated from Central State University and Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies, has also served as an educator in South Korea and Oman.

Describe yourself in three words: Loving. Grounded. Understanding. 

Favorite food: I've sampled so many different cuisines. I have a favorite kind of food. I love fragrant, pungent, spicy foods. Creole, Thai, Indian, Sichuanese, Korean, Middle Eastern. I could eat/ have eaten these foods everyday.

Favorite food associated memory:  My grandmother is an excellent cook. I've been after her for years to write a cook book. Last year, while I was between jobs I stayed with her. She actually wrote down a few of my favorite recipes for me. It felt like Christmas. 

Mark on society:  I strive to positively impact the negative imagery promoted, through the media about my culture. Still, I feel that we're,  as African Americans, arestigmatizedand stereotyped as angry, violent, and uneducated. My goal is to open up the conversation. To plant the seed of understanding in the minds of the people I meet.

Selfies or nah: Selfie! Natural light and Instagram filters are entertainment.

Situations: A New Take on Coffee with Slipstream

Situations: A New Take on Coffee with Slipstream

Roots: Dove Gives Curly Girls an Emoji to be proud of

Roots: Dove Gives Curly Girls an Emoji to be proud of